Momma Didn’t Raise No Salesperson
I don’t know about your mom, but my mom probably didn’t look adoringly in my eyes when I was young and say, “I sure hope little Walker grows up to be a salesperson!”
Probably hoping for something that sounds more professional, more stable.
Like a doctor, or a lawyer. Maybe an architect or something.
Sorry Mom.
If she had wanted me to be a salesperson, she probably would have raised me differently.
Instead of telling me “don’t talk to strangers,” she might have encouraged me to meet a lot of different people, to ask them to tell me their story, to listen intently when they talked, and to see what I could learn.
Instead of telling me it was rude to talk about money, she might have encouraged me to engage with other people about how they make money.
Instead of encouraging me to defer to adults, she might have explained that we are all equal, no matter age or income level, and that I had every right to stand toe-to-toe with anyone.
The flip side of that is that had she done that with me from a young age, I would have been a nightmare of a kid!
“See, the advice our parents give us when we’re young has an expiration date. ”
So many people (including me!) weren’t told about the expiration date.
Until you understand that advice is no longer useful, you'll be a nightmare of a salesperson.
We talk too much about ourselves, are afraid to ask about budget, and think it’s a buying signal when someone tells us to call them back in a week!
Pay attention to what your parents tell you when you're a kid. It’ll keep you safe and help them keep their sanity.
Then, pay attention to your sales coach when you want to ramp up your business. That will make you lots of money and help you keep your sanity and your dignity.
No sales coach?
That may be a fixable problem.
Your momma would tell you not to call me.
She’d tell you you're just fine. She’d tell you to "just go make more friends and be nice to people!"
And she’d tell you to save your money.
And maybe she’s right.
But let’s make a deal. If you want to be a great parent who raises perfect children, don’t ask me for parenting advice.
You want to make more money and have fun in your sales career, stop listening to your mom’s sales advice!
Schedule a call with me to see if I’m the right fit for you and your situation.
I train and coach individual salespeople, sales teams, and entrepreneurs. I teach them how to quickly disqualify time wasters who aren’t gonna buy, and how to close the right deals more quickly than they ever imagined...while getting a higher margin and better clients than they had in the past.
Is it expensive? Only if it doesn’t work.
Not ready for a call with me?
I get it.
Most people aren’t.
Want more actionable sales advice from me for free anyway, without the hassle of scheduling a call?
Go to and see what you might be doing unknowingly in sales calls that’s costing you big money.
Send your mom a thank you note for raising a great kid, then pick up the phone and set some appointments with people who can give you money!
You are already good. Let me help you get better!
Bringing Honesty, Transparency, and Selflessness to Business.
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