Press pause.
“I'm sooooo busy!”
Usually said with a smile. Worn like a badge of honor.
You are running, racing from meeting to meeting, jumping from project to project, emailing and texting while driving to the next thing.
“I am better because I am busy,” you tell yourself and signal to others.
The truth is, your being busy is keeping you from being better.
Busy means you’ve triggered the "fight or flight" part of your brain and handed it control of your actions.
Everything is a reaction when you're operating in this mode. You’ll experience burnout and suffer from poor execution of the things you're so busy doing.
To fix the problem, you have to get out of reactive mode and become proactive.
Do this today: 👇🏻
Take a deep breath. Turn off your phone. Ignore your email for a couple of hours.
Ask yourself a few questions:
Over the next two to three years, what do I really want to accomplish or experience? Why?
What things am I doing every day or every week to get closer to achieving those things?
What’s one thing I need to stop doing or delegate to someone else now because it’s making me busy, but not helping me reach my goals? (maybe it’s fire a pain in the ass client, maybe it's administrative tasks you should stop doing…)
Being busy is a habit, like smoking.
It feels good now, but it’s not helping you get where you want to go.
Bringing Honesty, Transparency, and Selflessness to Business.
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