This is Urgent!

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“How can I create a sense of urgency for this prospect?”

It’s a common question I get when coaching clients. 

Usually the story they tell me sounds something like this:

“I need to get this deal done by the end of this quarter so I can hit my goal. 

We had a great first meeting and they said they want my help, but now I can’t get them to get me the paperwork I need to get started. When I call, they tell me they’re still interested, but they’re busy. 

What do I need to do to get ’em to move forward now?”

The answer to this question is pretty simple.

You can’t. And you shouldn’t try. 

If there isn’t a personal, compelling reason why they think they need to move now, you’re wasting your breath and maybe lessening your chances of getting back in when it does become a priority.

Why?  Because you’ve put your own priorities ahead of your prospect’s.

It being a priority for YOU has absolutely no bearing on it being a priority for THEM.

As a professional, you need to understand your prospects’ timelines and why those timelines are important to them. 

Chances are, everyone you call on is busy. Busy doing the things that are a priority for them.

A question you might ask is, “When were YOU hoping to have this problem solved?”

You might then follow up with, “Why then?” 

If there is a deadline (say the date their current contract expires or a long lag time between the time they sign the contract and when the product/service can be delivered) you can ask an assumptive question like: “If you knew it would take 6 months after we sign the agreement for you to receive the stuff you want, when would you hope we would get started?”

If you don’t hear the answer you want to hear… Well, get over it.

This isn’t a problem with your prospect. It’s a problem with your pipeline!

If you had 10 prospects that needed your help who shared their sense of urgency to get it fixed, how much time would you spend with the prospect who DIDN'T have that sense of urgency?

Not much, right?

My client Ed is an insurance broker. And like most people, he is often too close to his own sales situations to be objective.

That's why he hired me.

He knows I have no emotional ties to his deals. 

My only objective is to help Ed and my other clients get to the truth as quickly as possible.

That way, they can spend their time working on the deals with a high likelihood of success and not on the ones that are going nowhere. So they can make more money. So they can build the healthy business relationships that they know are necessary to be successful.

So… Who's YOUR coach?

Who’s your mentor that helps you see your situation clearly so you can move forward and grow?

Who challenges you with only your best interest in mind?

I work with founders, owners, CEO’s, and some sales teams to help them get better results from their sales efforts. 

Like closing more deals for more profit with less stress.

Want to see what it’s like to work with a coach?

Book a 30 minute call with me, and let’s have a No BS Conversation about your situation. 

Bringing Honesty, Transparency, and Selflessness to Business.

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