Nobody wants to be sold.

Remember the last time some smarmy sales dude tried to pressure you to buy?


Remember how repelled you felt?


Maybe you bought what he was selling because you needed what he was selling, but the experience was awful?


Maybe you hung up.


Your customer’s brain goes on high alert when you begin to tell him all the things you think are great about your product. 


All the features. 


All the benefits. 


Why they should buy.


Your slick, canned presentation is falling on deaf ears.


Your prospect will buy for their own reasons, not necessarily the reasons you give them.


Instead of “educating your prospect,” ask what they are hoping to learn from you to make the meeting a good use of their time.


Educate yourself on why your prospect would even consider making a change.


Doesn’t seem like selling?



Bringing Honesty, Transparency, and Selflessness to Business.

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Assume your prospect isn’t ready to buy.


Commitment is the key